How Much Does Tanzania Safari Cost?
A Tanzanian safari costs anywhere between $125 and $1,500 per person per night. A budget safari averages $150 per night, mid-range $350 and luxury $750. The extreme top safaris can easily go up to $1,500 per night or more! There is literally a safari to suit every budget.
8 Factors Influencing The Cost Of A Tanzania Safari
Now you’ve considered the additional costs you can start to look at all those other variables that can influence overall safari costs
How Many Days Do You Want To Do A Safari in Tanzania?
We hardly need to state that the length of time you spend on a Tanzania safari has a direct impact on how much it’s going to cost you. And the more days you spend on safari (with the same company), the less you’re going to end up paying on a per-day basis.
When do You Want To Go To Tanzania?
Visiting much of Africa during the school holidays costs more than going outside the holidays, but other local factors can also impact the cost of your safari. The majority of African national parks have periods when the wildlife spotting is better than other times. If you want to keep costs down, try visiting during a park’s off-season. While this can mean less visible wildlife and, if it’s the Wet season, occasionally washed-out roads, it does bring significantly lower prices, fewer tourists, and gorgeously lush countryside.
Where Do You Want To Go In Tanzania?
Many people are surprised to discover that much of northern Tanzania, where park infrastructure is often better and self-drive and camping safaris easier, offers a cheaper safari experience
What Level Of Accommodation Are You Comfortable With?
As with any holiday, accommodation is going to eat up the lion’s share of your budget. Starting at the very top are the highly exclusive, tented camps often found in private or community conservancies. Deliciously romantic they might be, but there’s no getting away from the fact that these places cost a fortune. In high season many come in at a cool $2,000 per night for two people.
Specific Requirements Due To Interests Or Hobbies
National park boards are fully aware that people are willing to pay more to see a cheetah than a hornbill (a type of bird). Visiting a park with an abundance of large and visible mammals will invariably cost you more than visiting a small, low-key park where wildlife attractions are more specialized. If keeping costs down is important then limit your time in big-name parks and instead get excited by the birds and the bees in the smaller, lesser-known protected areas.
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